s.w.e.e.t m.e.m.o.r.i.e.s

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bukit kepong strikes back

This picture was taken aftermath the second flood that attack Johor resident. The flood covered all the main road that connected to important areas, it's feel like you living in tiny island.

Picture beside showing kampung Kepong people visit the flood area. They said, maybe after two days the water will go down.

Visit the madness >>> http://www.esnips.com/web/floodkepongsegamat

Berzanji ceremony organised by Mak

After a month mak gets her PJK, she decided to make kenduri doa selamat for her achievement in her career. She call all her society colleague to celebrate the mini party.
Aunty Timah was very grateful to be the responsible person to incharge in feast department. Nasi minyak and selected dish been serve to mak friends. It's been a wonderful ceremony to her.

Bila baru dapat kaki, hati mula rasa senang

Macam ma nenek ...

itulah ungkapan yg diucapkan oleh mammy nyer kepada daddy sheyna. ekekekek ...

Semenjak boleh jalan dan pandai berkata2 ni, bukan main ligat lagi. Sikit2 bercakap, sikit2 jalan sane, jalan sini. Baru dapat kakilah katakan.

Hari ni, sheyna baru je 2 hari baik drpd demam. Mak kata nak tumbuh gigi baru.

Sila lawati album untuk genre kali ini >>>
